Buyer / Seller Representation

No matter if you’re a real estate seller or buyer, you need legal representation
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Buyer / Seller Representation Attorney In San Antonio & Lubbock, Texas

Why Do I Need A Real Estate Attorney?

Whether you’re a buyer or seller, it’s essential that every real estate transaction follows the law to the very letter. Since real estate represents a major investment of money, state and local authorities have enacted laws to protect both the buyer and seller from financial loss and discrimination. Our team of experienced real estate team research every detail of the transaction to ensure that all the information in the preliminary paperwork is correct, that the title is clear, and that you understand all the provisions in the contract before you sign. Finally, we represent you at the closing to ensure that the sale goes through smoothly. Whether you’re buying or selling, you need a lawyer who specializes in real estate law. Our team can help.

Contact Robert I. Joseph, P.C. to schedule a lawyer consultation today at our San Antonio office (210-880-2420) or our Lubbock office (806-203-6715).

What Can a Real Estate Lawyer Do for Me as a Buyer?

So, you’ve found the property of your dreams and are ready to buy. Protect yourself and your potential investment by hiring one of our experienced real estate team. Are you sure the title to the property is free and clear? Does the deed describe the property accurately? If you plan to build a commercial structure on the property, is the property zoned properly for commercial use? There are a thousand and one such questions to ask when you’re putting your life’s savings on the line. Our real estate legal team can represent your interests as a buyer and answer all those questions, so all you have to do is pack your things and call the mover. If you’re planning to buy a property, get in touch with one of our real estate team today.

What Can a Real Estate Attorney Do for Me as a Seller?

There’s one thing even avid DIYers shouldn’t tackle on their own – and that’s selling the property you’ve worked so hard to improve. A real estate attorney can take care of all the legal details involved in the sale – from compliance with non-discrimination law to providing an accurate description of the property on the deed to attending to all the paperwork involved in closing the deal. Selling your home is more complex than you might think – which is why many states require that sellers hire an attorney to represent their interests. However, if you want to make sure that no legal issues stand in the way of a successful sale, hire one of our real estate team to ensure smooth sailing from the buyer’s offer to closing day.

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